Wednesday 3 September 2008

Govt.: Movies Really Do Get Teens Smoking

WASHINGTON -- A comprehensive report released today from the National Cancer Institute - the
leading federal federal agency on cancer research - provides the government's strongest conclusion to date on the media's powerful and causal effect on baccy use.
(Lisa Peardon/Digital Vision/Getty Images)

The report, Monograph 19 - The Role of the Media in Promoting and Reducing Tobacco Use, concluded what we in public health have known for many years: depictions of
smoking in movies and tobacco marketing advance youth smoking.These facts ar nonetheless illuminating because they are now
recognized for the number 1 time as fact by our federal government.

The story provides the ammunition to tobacco control advocates
around the world who are fighting to keep movies smoke-free. While
the entertainment industry has interpreted positive steps to respond to
the growing international Smoke-Free Movies movement, in that respect is
still some disbelief on the part of many influencers in the
entertainment diligence as to the magnitude of the effect picture
smoking has on early days smoking initiation.

The fact that the federal
government in this report is pointing out a causal connection should
provide impetus for decision-makers to take the bold step to remove
smoking from youth-rated films, once and for all.

The report as well lends further credibility to existing media
campaigns that have been proven to curb youth smoking, such as the
foundation's award-winning truth(R) hunting expedition. In its first deuce
years, truth(R) was credited with 22 percent of the refuse in
youth smoking, simply the annual budget for truth(R) is less than the
$36 million our competitors in the tobacco industry spend in barely
24 hours to securities industry their lethal products to consumers in the U.S.

Obviously, in a rapidly changing digital landscape,
understanding the role of media in reducing or promoting tobacco
use is critically important as we continue working to fight the
tobacco plant epidemic. With limited resources, the truth(R) campaign is
reaching teens from big cities to rural towns in ways we didn't
imagine 10 years ago.

Youth get a dose of truth(R) on social
networking sites like MySpace and Facebook, on the road at popular
teen concerts throughout the summer and through ads on television
and in theaters prior to movies.

More info

Sunday 24 August 2008

Australian Disease Research Boosted By National Alliance

�Nine of the nation's leading scientific research institutions have launched a new partnership to boost Australia's research capacity for tackling major wellness problems including cancer, diabetes, deafness, sterility, autoimmune disease and arthritis.

The Australian Phenomics Network (APN) is providing Australian and International researchers with the latest infrastructure for the study of human disease. The alliance brings together facilities, equipment and expertise to accelerate progress in the supplying of biological models for medical enquiry. This facilitates Australia making genuine inroads against all kinds of diseases.

"This is incredibly exciting science - frontier scientific discipline - and it's great to see Australian researchers leading the way," aforementioned Senator Kim Carr, Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research.

APN Chief Scientific Officer Professor Chris Goodnow said: "Together we'll be able to access biological models that have been developed for specific inquiry projects. Combining our technological resources agency we can buoy spend more than time actually doing the research that will make a real difference in our efforts to combat diseases."

APN Convenor Associate Professor Moira O'Bryan from Monash University said the project is around combining efforts and load-bearing all Australian researchers. "Australia has a wealth of talent in medical research, spread across a number of institutions. Each governing body has its own strengths in dissimilar areas," she says. "The APN will allow our resources to be combined and greatly enhance Australia's research capacity."

The APN is also working with the Atlas of Living Australia project to develop a framework for building web resources that capture, gloss and circularize research data and will enable research outcomes to be translated to clinical outcomes more rapidly.

The APN is funded by the Australian Government's National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS), contributions from state governments, and the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).

The mesh combines the resources of the Australian National University, Monash University, the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute for Medical Research, the University of Melbourne, Queensland Institute of Medical Research, the Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science, the Centenary Institute of Cancer Medicine and Cell Biology, Menzies Research Institute and the Animal Resource Centre.

The APN's expertness is complemented by national and outside partnerships with the Garvan Institute, the Institute of Molecular Bioscience, the National Institutes of Health (USA), the Wellcome Trust (UK) and the University of Manitoba (Canada).

Source: Simon Couper

Research Australia

More info

Thursday 14 August 2008

Fbn Takes Battle With Cnbc Onto Its Turf

The entrant Fox Business Network is taking its battle against the entrenched business channel CNBC to CNBC itself. In a kind of Trojan cavalry maneuver, the News Corp-owned channel is buying time on "station breaks" -- the sentence that CNBC allots to cable providers to sell to local advertisers -- to hammer CNBC for dropping commercial enterprise news reports between 5 00 p.m. and 8 00 p.m. during the Olympics in order to cover second-tier events at the Olympics. During commercials airing in major U.S. markets on Comcast and Time Warner Cable-owned systems, FBN anchor Liz Claman is seen saying, "When it comes to commercial enterprise, this city doesn't play games, and neither do you. In just a couple of minutes, CNBC is sledding to degenerate their business news scheduling. ... Switch to the Fox Business Network. ... Real patronage news and no games!"


More info

Wednesday 6 August 2008

FDA Approves Expanded 510k Classification For Titan Spine's Endoskeleton(R) TA Anterior Interbody Fusion Device

�The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has expanded Titan Spine's ENDOSKELTON� TA Vertebral Body Replacement Device (VBR) 510k to include an Interbody Fusion Device indicant.

Under its expanded 510K indication, the Endoskeleton� TA Interbody Fusion Device is approved for use in skeletally grow patients with Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD) at 1 or two contiguous levels from L2-S1. Degenerative Disc Disease is defined as discogenic back up pain with degeneration of the phonograph record confirmed by patient history and radiographic studies. These DDD patients may also have up to Grade I spondylolisthesis or retrolisthesis at the involved level(s). Patients should cause received six months of non-operative treatment prior to treatment with the devices. The device may be used with supplemental fixing.

While degenerative disc disease is well-nigh often treated by more than conservative therapies, the condition can oft lead to more life-threatening disorders, such as lumbar spinal stricture (narrowing of the spinal canal) or spondylolistheses (disk slips onwards).

"This is an important step for Titan Spine as it gives the surgeon the ability to utilize the Endoskeleton� TA as an Interbody Device while taking off the VBR label, as comfortably as the ability to feel comfortable knowing that they now have the option to use the device in a stand-alone setting," said Steve Cichy, Vice President of Sales of Titan Spine.

Titan Spine expects that this new product indication will increase product adoption among a group of surgeons that ar focused both on proficiency proficiency and positive, predictable outcomes for their patients. Kevin Gemas, President of Titan Spine, underscored the importance of the expanded classification by adding "with an estimated 65

Friday 27 June 2008

Sacred Reich

Sacred Reich   
Artist: Sacred Reich

   Rock: Thrash


Still Ignorant (Live)   
 Still Ignorant (Live)

   Year: 1997   
Tracks: 13


   Year: 1993   
Tracks: 11

The American Way   
 The American Way

   Year: 1990   
Tracks: 8

Surf Nicaragua   
 Surf Nicaragua

   Year: 1988   
Tracks: 6


   Year: 1987   
Tracks: 9

Led by bassist/vocalist Phil Rind, this Phoenix-based set also includes Wiley Arnett, Jason Rainey, and Greg Hall. Sacred Reich is noted for its extremely self-opinionated political lyrics, testing of personal politics, and soundly inflexible spirit, as well as an occasional satiric sense of mood, and its fortunes have continued to rise over the course of the band's life history.

Thursday 19 June 2008


Artist: Autophagia



Postmortem Human Offal   
 Postmortem Human Offal

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 27


'Permission' spec granted

Wednesday 11 June 2008

Franco: MTV gave us the bag of 'fake weed'


Like the stoners they play in the upcoming "Pineapple Express," Seth Rogen and James Franco stumbled unkowingly into trouble Sunday at the MTV Movie Awards.

And of course, the weed was someone else's.

Early on in the show, Rogen and Franco took the podium to present the award for best summer movie so far, joking that MTV chose them because only "two potheads like us" would be willing to announce such a strange category. Then they pulled out a bag of "fake weed" and a "huge fatty joint" - and proceeded to light it.

"Kids, don't really smoke fake weed like this," Rogen told the crowd at the Gibson Amphitheatre, with a degree of sarcasm to suggest that the only fake thing was the idea that it was fake.

But before TV audiences could see the "contraband," the cameras pulled to an extremely wide angle, and stayed that way until Rogen and Franco left the stage. The awkward moment made some in the audience laugh, but left Robert Downey Jr. - who accepted the award on behalf of "Iron Man" alongside director John Favreau - with a puzzled look.

Backstage, Franco told The Associated Press that MTV put them up to the joke, even supplying the script, the fake marijuana and the fake joint - then had a last-second change of heart about the bit.

"MTV wrote it! ... Then backstage there was this big commotion: 'You guys can't say that,'" Franco said. "It says right in the script: 'Lights fake joint.'"

He liked the bit, saying: "that was the joke, because the No. 1 question we get about 'Pineapple Express' is, 'What kind of research did you guys do?'"

Franco said he was disappointed that the cameras went wide.

"I think they killed the joke," he said.

So what was really in the bag?

"I don't know! MTV gave it to us."

See Also