Thursday 14 August 2008

Fbn Takes Battle With Cnbc Onto Its Turf

The entrant Fox Business Network is taking its battle against the entrenched business channel CNBC to CNBC itself. In a kind of Trojan cavalry maneuver, the News Corp-owned channel is buying time on "station breaks" -- the sentence that CNBC allots to cable providers to sell to local advertisers -- to hammer CNBC for dropping commercial enterprise news reports between 5 00 p.m. and 8 00 p.m. during the Olympics in order to cover second-tier events at the Olympics. During commercials airing in major U.S. markets on Comcast and Time Warner Cable-owned systems, FBN anchor Liz Claman is seen saying, "When it comes to commercial enterprise, this city doesn't play games, and neither do you. In just a couple of minutes, CNBC is sledding to degenerate their business news scheduling. ... Switch to the Fox Business Network. ... Real patronage news and no games!"


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